(Dad:) As a disciple, you are always on stage to the world and each other. As a Christian, you are always a witness, whether in private or in public, whether you're in your bedroom or out witnessing, performing or on TV. You are always an example of Jesus. There's never a time when you should let your guard down, because as His disciple you are always supposed to be a living sample of His love and His actions, what He would do and the way He would be. In private with your wife, or with your children, or in a Home meeting, or out witnessing, remember that your main purpose is to always put Jesus first, always to be an example of His love, always to be bringing others to Him, always to be helping others to feel His love, to feel included, to feel His warmth, His acceptance, His care for them as individuals.
         What good would it do if you went out and witnessed all day, but then came home and were a terrible example and didn't live what you preached, so much so that you hurt the faith of one of these little ones, or caused them to turn back from serving the Lord? You are always a witness, not only to the lost but to your own. You are a witness to the lost to win their souls and bring them salvation, and you are a witness to your own that you may keep them as disciples. Just as you may go out into the world and win souls, you may keep your brethren who in turn may win souls, who in turn may win more disciples to win more souls.
         Never let your guard down. Just because you are at home does not mean you are not a witness. Once you are Jesus' disciple you are always a witness to everyone, not just on the streets but to your own family. This is a real missionary, a full-time disciple, 24 hours a day, like Jesus was with His disciples. He was not only sent to the lost and to the world, but it was just as important for Him to be a witness to His Own 12 disciples, because they were the ones who would carry on. They were the ones who would continue to witness and reach others. So in some ways it was even more important to be a good, loving sample to His closest disciples and loved ones so that the work could carry on.
         As you can see in my Letters and by those who know me, I not only tried to show love to those I met when I went out and witnessed, but I was also a witness of the Lord's love at home. I provided the needs of my family physically and spiritually, fellowshiped with them, cared and provided for them, was a good sample, diligent in business, made sure everyone had their needs met sexually and felt loved and included, and made sure that the house was shipshape. So anyone who visited would have known I was just as much of a Christian in my home as I was in my outside witness. It begins in the heart and the home first, and it spills out from there to your outside witness. You aren't a missionary first on the field, then in your home and then in your heart. It starts in your relationship with the Lord and with Him in your heart, with your loved ones and your home.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family