         Praise Me for these little ones that I have given into your care, the lambs of the flock, the arrows in your sheath. These little ones that I pick up and carry in My bosom are tender to Me. Though you may have many in your sheath, you must treat each one individually with the utmost of care, just as when you place an arrow in a bow. You gently place the arrow in the bow, making sure that it is level. You pull the string back gently and deliberately, taking time to aim and to concentrate on the target, in quietness, with the greatest of concentration and thought, focusing all your attention on the bull's-eye. So must you handle all of these children like this one arrow--patiently, gently, with great care, precision and attention, so that you do not jerk and shoot amiss, falling short of the bull's-eye and the target.
         These little ones are powerful and dangerous weapons. They are the ammunition of the future, the arrows prepared for the day of battle to confront the Enemy--your front-line weaponry from the arsenals of Heaven. There's not one to spare, so use them wisely. Sharpen the arrow head daily against the sharpening stone of My Word with care, gentleness and love in your hands. Do not let these little ones become dull or discouraged by being too quick with them, for they have great faith that will remove mountains. These are the ones that will do exploits. These are the warriors of David, the little Davids that will kill the great Goliaths. These are the smooth stones that will be propelled by My might to hit the mark, and replenish the ranks of David.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family