         Selfishness is the root of comparing, of envy and of jealousy. It is the root of comparing, because it is wanting more for yourself--wanting not only what you have, but what others have as well. It is the root of envy, wanting to have something that you think you ought to have, that you even feel you deserve. It is the root of jealousy, wanting what is yours to remain yours. So in all these cases, whatever your problem, you must defeat the monster of selfishness, and you must yield to the magical power of yieldedness and surrender to Me. For these things are miracle-working, magical elixirs that heal and transform and bring life and peace and joy. Yielding to Me, and believing and trusting Me for everything that comes into your life, whether it seems to you to be good or bad, is the path to happiness and to victory.
         Open your heart to Me and let Me love you! Let Me thrill you and fill you! Let Me hold you close and kiss you and caress you. Bare yourself, all of yourself, to Me. Hold nothing back from Me. Yield, give, open, and let Me and My Spirit and My love flow into you. Each time you do this, it defeats the darkness, and it causes these poisons that have seeped into your spirit to drain out, to drip away, to melt, to dissolve. They keep trying to come back, but through loving Me and surrendering all to Me, I keep draining and dissolving them, until they shall be no more.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family