         Your nature is jealous and envious, and you will have to fight this, and you already do. You must ask for prayer and for help, for these seeds of envy, discontent and comparison are planted in your heart by the Enemy of your soul.
         I have given you much, and have blessed you in many ways. I have made you beautiful. I have given you health. I have given you intelligence, skill and charm. I have given you a pleasant and enjoyable personality, yet you often despise yourself and belittle yourself, and you do not enjoy and appreciate what you have. Only in appreciating what you have can you get more. In complaining and grumbling and belittling, you waste and throw away the joy and peace you could have. In wishing you were more like someone else--in any way, big or small--you throw away the jewel of the uniqueness that I have bestowed upon you. For your individuality--of character, personality, experiences and of your physical appearance--are what make you--and didn't I create you the way I wanted you to be?
         Trust! Stop fretting and fussing and fighting and kicking and refusing to be happy and content with what you are and what you have! For once you are truly content--and this contentment only comes through total yieldedness to Me and acceptance of My plan--then I can give you more. The dynamics of My Spirit are such. I can then give you more blessings, more love, more friendships, relationships, even greater attractiveness and charm. For when you are relaxed, restful, trusting, content and at peace with Me and with yourself the way I have made you, then your natural beauty, charm and love can flow. And not only the natural love I have given you and placed within your heart to give and share, but more and better yet, My pure love can flow through you to others. For you will not be so concerned and preoccupied and wrapped up in yourself and your own worries and wants and fears and phobias, but you will be looking out and around, looking to give others joy and peace. This is the key to the victory over all these things.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family