         Faith is a key to victory. You must have faith and believe the Words that I have spoken to you, the many times that I have told you that I have a reason and a purpose for why I have made you to be alone and why I have not yet given you someone to share your life with, or even someone to be close to and love in a special way. For had you had these other relationships, your life would have gone a different direction and I would not have been able to bring you to this place I have called you to, which I know was an even greater desire of your heart.
         Another key is yieldedness. You must not only have faith and believe that these are the reasons I set your life on the course I have, but you must yield to it, you must accept it, and you must do so cheerfully and willingly, of your own volition, not just because "that's the way it is, and even if I tried, I couldn't change it." No, you must not give up in defeat and fall down dejectedly. You must gladly embrace this loneliness I have given you, for I can work many things in your life through it. I have worked many already, and I have more to work.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family