         I look on My children with love, patience and mercy. I wish to give them joy and happiness, peace and contentment. They struggle here and they struggle there, they learn and they grow and they progress. I am not worried. I am not impatient. I am not in a hurry.
         As you look on these young ones, have faith in Me. Trust Me that I am working in their lives, that they are My children and I am caring for them. I want you to be My voice and My counselor and My teacher to help them along their road of faith. For straight is the gate and narrow is the way, and you must warn them of the pitfalls. But if they fall, do not fret. If they stumble, do not be concerned, for I will lift them up. I will hold them with My right hand. For their hearts love Me and turn toward Me, and they will learn and grow; maybe not at the rate that you expect or that you hope, but they will learn and they will grow. They are My children. I love them and they love Me.
         So be patient with them. Look on them with eyes of love, acceptance and understanding, as your Father David looked upon you with eyes of love and patience. Love is the key to help them along their path of life--unconditional love, love that knows no barriers--as well as acceptance and tolerance. These tools are the keys to help unlock the closed doors of their hearts, to reveal the secrets and their thoughts within. Love, understanding, patience and longsuffering are the gifts and tools and keys you must use with these young ones.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family