         You must teach and train your young ones in My Word, in the truth. You must impart to them the Word of God, the love of God, the understanding of God. You must raise and nurture them in great love, so that they will know My love. But you must also give them wisdom and knowledge, so that they will have the tools to do the job.
         Though it is a sacrifice to take the time to give them that which they need--the education of the Spirit and the education of the mind--these things must be done. For if these things are not done, you do not fulfill the commission that I have given you.
         No matter how you choose to impart knowledge to your children, it is a sacrifice. If you take the time to pour into them, to teach them and to educate them, it is a sacrifice of your time, for it requires strength, time, effort, energy, and love. It is a sacrifice to give of yourself to do this.
         If you choose to let others [outsiders] educate your children, it is also a sacrifice. Though you do not sacrifice so much time in teaching them yourself, you do sacrifice your time in the shepherding you must give them, and you sacrifice in the weaknesses that it causes, as your children mix with the ungodly. So either way, there is a sacrifice. Either way, there is some loss.
         You must decide which sacrifice you wish to make. Will you sacrifice the time and the energy to teach them? Or will you sacrifice the time and the energy to help them overcome their problems and the negative influences?
         Know this, that these [children], My gifts to you, are your responsibility, and you must teach them, you must educate them. You must give them that which they need--not just because it is
required, but because they have need of these things. If you do not teach them, if you do not train them, if you do not educate both mind and spirit, you will pay. You will pay in resentfulness, or you will pay by intrusion, or you will pay by the lack of blessings.
         You are given this commission to teach and train and raise these, the gifts that I have given you, and you must pour into them and give them that which they need. So hold not back! Fulfill your commission, so that you will receive the blessings of God! (ML #3066)

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