         Lovest thou Me? Feed My sheep. Feed My lambs--these precious gifts that I have given you, these precious ones that I have entrusted into your care to raise in the nurture and admonition of My Word and My truth. For these, your precious children, are My gifts of love to you. In caring for them, you give them your love. In caring for them, you show your love for Me. For I have given them to you so that you may care for them, teach them, and strengthen them. As you fulfill this commission that I have given you, so do you fulfill My will; and in fulfilling My will, you show your love for Me.
         I have entrusted these ones to you, and it is up to you to do the work that I have given you of raising them, of loving them, of teaching them, of training them, of giving them My truth. What a work this is! What a sacrifice this is! But what great rewards you are given, both in this life and in the life to come! (ML #3066)

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