         You have been taken in marriage. You have been wedded to the spirit of David and to the Spirit of God. Therefore be a faithful wife and let your Husband lead you where He would want you to go. This flame that has been kindled inside of you will become a great fire that will burn in your heart and take over all of your wants and desires, and you will become a prisoner of My will, a bearer of the light!
         You are of the last generation. Many will hold their cups out to you, asking for water, saying, "We thirst! Fill us with your water!" Out of your belly will flow rivers of living water, and you will be able to quench their thirst, because you will feed them Me. I will live in you, and we will work hand in hand.
         You will be My body, and I will be your spirit. This is your ministry, to give out to others as I have given to you, to feed them--to even now feed your brethren who still wonder, who still question, who still doubt, who still don't know. Feed them with the truth that you have been given, and your love and confidence and joy will grow. You will be overtaken with My love to the point that you would do anything for Me and My love.
         I love you forever! I cannot leave you, for I am eternally linked with you. I will guard you as a jealous man guards his own household. I will not permit the Enemy to exact upon you more than you can take. Therefore, trust Me, for I am in you. I am your Husband. I am your Loved One.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family