         I wish for My children to learn to hear from Me, to follow Me closely, to obey what I say to do, to yield to the ways in which I lead them, to hear the whispers, the messages, and to follow in faith. As they learn these things, they shall become more connected, they shall become stronger, they shall become more the children of David. They will become more
as David, as receivers, as prophets, as men and women of conviction and of power and of anointing, as My David was.
         They shall become more confident in Me and stronger in faith as they see Me perform what I said I would do. They shall become
pillars in the Last Days!--Pillars of light that will shine in the darkness; pillars of strength that will uphold many; pillars of faith that will do miracles, move mountains, call down wonders; pillars to stand strong against the wiles of the Evil One as he goes forth to deceive and to destroy even the very elect.
         These are the days of the creating of the pillars, of the strengthening, of the growing, of the broadening and the heightening of these pillars. And how do they become pillars?--Through faith, through belief, through drinking in the New Wine, My Word, and through receiving My directions, My Word, My instruction, My guidance themselves; through prayer, through the Word, through prophecy, through obedience, through yieldedness. (ML #3070)

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