         There are those who say, "I am so unhappy! I am so unfulfilled! I feel the need for so much more. I look out at the System and it does not seem so bad. Can't we learn from the things others have experienced? Can't we partake of the good which is out there--of that which seems to be so good?" They question in their hearts. They feel the need to fill this vacuum that they have.
         And there is indeed an empty space in their hearts. It is a real need. When men's hearts are empty, they are unhappy and unfulfilled. They desire to be happy. They desire to satisfy this hunger that they have. They look around and they see that which is appealing in the System and they try to fill this vacuum.
         But what they do not see or understand is that in order to receive the full benefit of My promises, they must fulfill their part. This is not easy for some, for they think they will find no happiness in laying down their lives in sacrifice or in surrendering their all to Me. They do not see how that could make them any happier or fill the vacuum that they have in their heart.
         But those who do, who give their all in love for Me and yieldedness to My Spirit in laying down their lives in unselfishness, experience the true joys and ecstasies of My Spirit which are beyond comparison with anything else in this world! They satisfy the heart like nothing else can. They fill the need and they fulfill and satisfy that hunger.
         There is only one way that this comes, and that is through full surrender and yieldedness to Me, and loving Me. Many can work and can love Me to a certain extent by physically doing that which I ask them, and that is not wrong in itself. But as I have said before, I desire your
love more than your service, more than your words, more than any other outward show. I desire your heart.
         When you give your heart to Me fully, then I am able to satisfy your heart. Then that longing for the world, that emptiness, that wanting to fill your life with new or exciting things is no longer the same. You still desire to go forward in your life, to experience and to live and to love, but the emptiness is not there.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family