         My son, feel not that you have been cast down or that you have been cast out, for My love for you is great. It is higher than the mountains, deeper than the seas. I am thankful for the love that you have for Me, and for the intimate times that we spend together. But I would be closer to you, and I would that you were closer to Me. Do you desire blessings in your life? You can have them! You can have more! And these blessings will come by spending more time with Me.
         Think not that you are being beaten down and cast down, but use this time as an opportunity to draw closer to Me and to dive into My Word, for My Word is deep, as waters to swim in. In My Word, you will find jewels both old and new. Take this as a blessing. Be sorry, strive to overcome the flesh and the weaknesses that you have, but know also that by digging into My Word and by following Me closely, you will be strengthened. If you do what you can, I will do what you can't.
         I am like a father who loves his child but must correct him. In like manner, I am your husband who is deeply in love with you, and it hurts Me to see you suffer. It hurts Me to see you corrected or chastened, but I see what is ahead. I know that the future holds great things for you if you will yield yourself to Me in every way and keep back nothing.
         Don't let discouragement get in the way, for this can clog up the channel of My blessings. You must clear discouragement away. You must clear everything away that would get in the way of My blessings, of My love. Please, My son. Lie limp before Me. Do not fight, but be yielded. If you do these things, I promise you that there is a great light at the end of the tunnel--a warm, loving, fantastic light. When you come to the end of this road and you are ready to step into a new dimension, you will look back and say, "I am thankful for the time that I had."
         So accept the love humbly, accept the correction humbly. There is so much love for you. There is so much love now and so much love in the future, but you must be humble enough to accept it.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family