         Are you willing to reach out to these who are buffeted in the storms of confusion--these who are caught in the snares and brambles, who find no joy, no power, no happiness in day-to-day life? These who are caught in the thick of battle, who Satan tries to confuse, that he may snuff out their light?
         Will you be a vessel of My love--My never-ending, never-failing, never-swerving unconditional love for these little ones? How I love them! How I want them! How I long to wipe away their tears and their heartaches! How I long to melt away their confusion!
         Who will heed My call? Are you willing? May I use your hands, your arms, your mouth, your body? Will you yield your members to Me that I may love these who are weary, who have lost their enthusiasm and joy? I have no hands but your hands to lend a tender touch. I have no arms but your arms to extend a comforting hug. I have no mouth but your mouth to speak a word fitly spoken, that it may encourage and lift them up.
         I have no smile but your smile that sheds a little bit of sunshine through the dark, stormy clouds on a rainy day. I have no feet but your feet to walk a mile in their shoes. I have no vessel but your vessel, no body but your body, to reach out, to love, to comfort, to hold on to and to pray for these, My little lambs.
         I see My children, how they stumble and fall. I have no arms to bend down and pick them up but yours. I see these little ones who are buffeted about. I see these who seem to have no life, whose candle is about to flicker out. I see them and I have need of you to care for them. I have need of you to tend and trim the wick of their candle that their flame may burn brightly and give light to all My house.
         "How long, oh Lord? How long?" do I hear you say? My disciples asked Me the same. "If a brother falls, how many times should we lift him up?" And I said to them, "Not until seven times, but until seventy times seven." And now I say unto you, love them with My unconditional love.
         How far will My love go?--To the ends of the Earth, to the highest Heaven, to the deepest depths of the sea. My love will walk out of its way to love and win one lost child who is groping in a sea of confusion. My love is the rescue boat; My love is the lifesaver. Only through My unconditional love will you be able to break the cycle.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family