         Know this, that the Good Shepherd gives His life for the flock. And as you are good shepherds, your giving your life in setting these [young people] free will help them to have the faith to then go forward.
         It encourages their faith to know that you have faith in them. If they know that you believe in them, and you believe in Me in them, if they feel that confidence, if they feel that strength from you supporting them and helping them, they will go on to do many mighty things for Me, knowing that not only am I with them, but that you are there supporting them, encouraging them, helping them, and guiding them with the wisdom that I have given you through the years.
         Work together hand in hand and side by side. It is not meant that one should be in front of the other, to slow or to hinder the one behind, but that the younger ones with the spirit and the fire and the zest and the zeal, and the older ones with the wisdom and experience in the Word for guidance, work together with My Spirit. This then is a threefold cord that cannot be easily broken.
         Individually and alone, neither you nor they will make it. For I have called you for this day and I have raised them up for this day. I have prepared you for this day, that the young and the old will work together as a team, each with their talents and their gifts. (GN 553)

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