(Dad:) If you feel like you're lacking in faith and inspiration, soak yourself in the Word. Dive into it, even if you feel like you're not getting so much out of it at first. It's like if you were sick and you started taking some vitamins to help you get better. You might not feel much of a change when you're first taking the vitamins, but they are working inside your body, and as you keep taking them, you'll eventually see the results and you'll feel better.
         It's the same thing with the Word. You may not see instant results, you may not feel instantly encouraged and strengthened--in fact, the Enemy may attack you with doubts and discouragement even more heavily--but you've just got to
believe what the Lord has said, that if you read and revel in His Word, it will strengthen you. It will give you faith, it will give you inspiration. Feast on the Word. Feast on the New Wine! Feast on the old Letters! Feast on God's living Word for today!
         Just tell yourself that you're going to believe it, you're going to receive it, and you're going to put it into practice no matter what. Put yourself out on a limb and saw it off, trusting the Lord that if you follow and obey Him, He's going to take care of you, He's going to inspire you, He's going to encourage you, He's going to pull you through! Cast yourself on the Lord. Throw yourself completely on Him. He's not going to fail you! He hasn't failed you all these years that you've served Him, and He's not about to fail you now! So trust Him, even if you don't see or feel the results.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family