         If you do not immediately resist the doubts of the Enemy and raise a standard against him, if you entertain his doubts until they become habits and part of your own thought processes, with time what once looked to you like freedom, liberation, free thinking, being your own person, will become bondage. The Enemy will wrap his chains around your heart and mind and spirit, and you will no longer be able to receive My Word and the truth therein, because you will have made the wrong choices in your thoughts for so long that now your thoughts will no longer be your own. You no longer have the free will to make a choice to think the truth or to think lies, for the Devil will have gained control. His attacks will have moved from the outside to the inside. When that happens, you no longer have power to receive faith from My Word.
         Therefore you must break the bonds of the Enemy by crying out to Me desperately and calling on Me for deliverance! You must ask Me to do what you cannot do--to break the power of the Enemy in your heart and mind and spirit. By doing so, you will once again be free to receive strength and power from My Word, and it will minister faith unto you.
         You must then continue the long, hard struggle toward total healing by faithful, diligent, regular study of My Word. You must make daily choices to cleanse your mind with My Word, to rewire your mind with My Word, to strengthen your faith with My Word in all your battles against doubts, whether they be outside attacks or inside attacks.
         So do not fear and do not be condemned, but reach out to Me by faith, knowing that I love you with an unconditional love, and it is not My desire that any of My children be lost to the attacks of the Enemy. I endured the attacks of the Evil One because I love you, and so that through My power you would have the power to overcome the Devourer. You are the overcomers! You are the victors if you look to Me in desperation. I will not fail you, for I love you with an everlasting love! (ML #3089)

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