(Maria speaking:) I anoint you in the power of love, to go forth and live in love. I commission you to rise up now and march on in the power of love! Lift the banners high and forward, march! Go forth in Love's power. Receive Love's holy oil upon your heads. Receive, by the authority vested in me, your Queen Maria, this holy appointment, that you may go forth and conquer the giants of your day!
         Join now hand in hand, arm in arm, and take the stand. Stand with me, and with your King Peter, and proclaim throughout the land: "Let it be written, let it be known, by the authority vested in us from Jesus our King, that we cast down imaginations and every high thing that would exalt itself against the power of Love! Let it be known on this holy day, that we, the Bride of Jesus and the army of David, do fight on to defeat the foe!" (ML #3096)

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