         Oh My little one, do not fight against the waves and the wind, but let them carry you. Ride into them! Be not afraid, for I will carry you over. The wind that seems so fierce, that even seems to be your enemy, will be what will carry you over the waves and bring you to your desired haven, where you can let down your anchor and be safe, secure and content--where you can laugh again and enjoy the fullness of heart and fullness of joy that you so desire, that you long for.
         I know your longings, My dear, My love. I see your heart. But you must go through the waves before you can reach the harbor. It's all a part of My plan, a part of My testing, a part of My trying, to make you into an expert sea master--one who knows how to maneuver in the tough conditions, one who knows both the storms and the calm.
         But the only way to get through the storm and over the waves is to trust Me, to commit yourself to Me. Do not try to grab the rudder and steer in your own might, to unfurl your sails to try to catch the wind, to try and direct it the way you think it ought to go.
         Tie it all down and trust yourself to Me. Trust yourself to the wind, that I will carry you over. Though your vessel may take in some water, and though it may even seem that you are about to be swallowed up and sink, fear not, for these things will not come upon you.
         These are the storms of tribulation, but I am with you and I will carry you through. Your boat will not take in more water than I allow, and it will not sink.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family