         This is My day and hour for the uniting of the two generations! For only in unity will you have the strength needed for the battles that lie ahead, for the dark days that are to come, the time when the Enemy will walk about as a roaring lion, more fierce than ever before! Only through great unity, love and respect will you be able to withstand the onslaughts of the Evil One and his people.
         Each generation is strong in its own way, each generation has much to give, and each generation is in great need of the other. They must be molded and melted together if they are to have the strength, power and anointing needed for the days to come when the battles will be great, and only those who are loyal and strong and brave will be able to lead the way.
         This uniting of heart and mind and soul, this marriage of spirit, is crucial. (ML #3095)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family