         You do not have to fear that I, your Lover, will cheat on you or give you up for another. You are My childhood sweetheart. I have loved you since I first set eyes on you. When I called you to be My bride and you accepted, I vowed to never leave your side, and to make you the happiest bride of all.
         When you are in the midst of the battle and the storm, the Evil One comes in strong, tempting you to think that I have not kept My vow, that I have left your side and have not made you happy as you struggle and you weep; you feel alone and as if you cannot go on any further. But at those times, if you would resist the thoughts that the Evil One tries to implant in your mind, trying to pull you away from Me and lure you to his evil self, and if you would but lift up your eyes, you would see that I am standing there with you. Indeed, I always have been. I am a man of My Word, and when I vowed to love, honor and cherish you in sickness and in health, now and for eternity, I intended to keep My vow. And I have.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family