(Dad:) I know that you've really gone through a lot. You've walked some rocky roads, especially for your young years. But believe me, the Lord knows your every hardship, every difficulty you've passed through, every time you've stumbled and fallen, and He's going to reward you for it. He's going to make it up to you, above and beyond your wildest dreams! He'll do that because you've been faithful, you've stuck, you've held on and you've persevered, even under very trying circumstances.
         I'm sorry for all that you've been through. I'm sorry for the hurt that you've had to endure. I'm sorry for the things you didn't understand when you were a kid growing up, for how things didn't always go the right way, and the people around you weren't always loving or kind, and sometimes you were treated harshly or unfairly. Consequently you were hurt or disillusioned. It breaks my heart to see all that you've gone through and to see the obstacles that you had to hurdle to get where you are now.
         But it's all the more credit to you! If your life had been a piece of cake and a breeze and problem-free, then you would never have attained to any victory! There would never have been any race to run, and no chance of winning a medal! God allowed it for your benefit, so that He could
teach you, strengthen you and be close to you, from when you were little. He allowed it so you could feel His presence, so you could feel His love, so you could know beyond the shadow of a doubt that He was there, right with you.
         It all comes down to
preparation! The Lord is preparing you for the job He has for you. You're special to Him, and that's why He's invested so much time in you--working in your life, speaking to your heart, preparing you for the days to come.
         Sometimes you feel like the things you've learned or the hard knocks that you've been through are things that aren't going to benefit anyone. You feel they're not going to be of use to anyone, and they're not going to help you in any of your future service for the Lord. Well, that's just not true! You can't see ahead. You don't know what the Lord has in store!
         It's like the Letter "Hold On!" You've just had to
hold on step by step, day by day, through your trials, tests, purgings, breakings, and the things you didn't understand. God's pretty smart! He doesn't let us know what's around the corner, what's just around the bend in the road. Otherwise it wouldn't be a valid test. It wouldn't be a real struggle.
         If you knew what reward awaited you, you'd be
more than willing to persevere, you'd be happy to suffer afflictions. I've talked about this in my Letters! It's the same principle! But you've just gotta keep your eyes on the goal, on the Heavenly vision, on the greater things that are to come! Believe me, they're there!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family