         Even though you are not in a position of leadership, that does not mean that you are not an influence on others. For there are many that look to you for prayer and for counsel--not only the lost to whom you witness, but also your brothers and sisters with whom you live. With great callings come greater responsibilities, and I ask you to be a sample of prayerfulness, a sample of yieldedness, a sample of simple, childlike faith, a sample of simplicity, a sample of one who is madly in love with Me, and who comes at My slightest bidding.
         Let Me come into you and use your eyes to see the needs of others, whether great or small. Let Me use your ears to hear the heartcries of the lost, and let Me use your tongue to pour forth My words of love and of compassion, of prayer and of encouragement to a brother or sister who is cast down. Let Me use your mind that I may implant only My thoughts therein--thoughts of love and of kindness. Let Me take your heart in My hands and let it break for the multitudes of people who have not yet heard of My love. Yes, let Me break your heart, that I may afterwards pick up all the pieces and put it back together again as a softer, more useful vessel that My love can pour through.
         Let Me come into you and use your hands and your feet to dry the tears of those who are crying, to give a pat on the back to those who are discouraged, to be a helping hand to someone who is falling by the way. Let Me come into you and use your body as a vessel of My love to someone who needs it. You do not have to go out looking for ways that you can be a sample of My love; all you must do is be willing, heeding My gentle whispers, and I will put these situations in your path. They may seem small and insignificant, but they are great in My sight. It is a high calling to be a vessel of My love.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family