(Liz Grey:) It often seems so tragic on Earth that some die of afflictions, especially Christians, whose God is supposed to heal them. Some question, "Why does God not miraculously heal those who are ill? Wouldn't it be a greater testimony that God is alive and that He is real and that He loves us, if He would heal miraculously?" Yes, sometimes, but not always. For whether we die or we live, we are the Lord's to do with however He wishes.
         Sometimes our
deaths can be an even greater witness than our lives, because we can die like we lived--trusting! Sometimes our deaths can be a greater testimony of His powers other than healing, such as His grace. Because to be "more than conquerors" and die victoriously takes even greater faith, which shows it's a miracle. When the Christians in the arena died singing and praising, their deaths were a greater testimony, witness and proof of His power than their lives, because it showed that those Christians had something that other people didn't, and which they wanted!
         So those of you who have cancer or other terminal afflictions, when the Lord brings you Home, you will be a martyr for the cause and will receive a martyr's reward!--Just like the Christians in the arena, who were sacrificed on His altar for His glory. As they were tested, the Lord's Spirit came down to give them great grace, dying grace, so that they were able to sing in the face of the lions without fear and without torment! Just as they were able to praise while being burned at the stake, this same anointing will fall on you as you face the lions of disease. You'll be able to praise and sing and have the same anointing, so your face may reflect the Lord's peace, though your body may be burned with disease.
         This victory over death, being more than a conqueror, will inspire the faith of those around you as you go before them, and as they see the Lord's hand upon you. It will give them courage and faith when their time of trouble comes, for they will remember the great peace and calm the Lord gave you. And those of us who go on before go to prepare a place, that where we are, you may be also.

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