         Those who stay yielded and soft before Me are better able to resist the doubts of the Enemy because they are already practiced at calling out to Me, at showing themselves weak, at keeping their hearts clean through confessing. They are already practiced at going to My Word for strength and answers, and baring their souls before Me and others in desperation and humility. Therefore those who stay soft and close and humble are better prepared to fight the Enemy's doubts. Though they look weak in themselves and their own minds, yet they have greater strength in Me and in the power of My Word.
         But those who are accustomed to leaning on the arm of the flesh, their own strength and their own ways; those who are independent and stubborn, who are not used to working in teamwork and showing themselves weak and in need of others; those who have not formed the good habit of going to My Word daily, lose their sensitivity to My Spirit and My voice. They do not hear My whispers nor the checks that I would give them to lead and guide them and protect them. So when they are attacked by the doubts of the Enemy, they are not able to recognize his evil wiles.
         They are not able to discern so easily that it is a trick and stumblingblock of the Enemy. Therefore they accept his thoughts and they consider them and look at them from all sides. They weigh them in the balance of their carnal mind, seeking for value. They toy with them until these doubts become part of them--part of their way of thinking and looking at things. The doubts look valid and feasible, and because they are not measured against the yardstick of My Word, the doubts can even take on a false value, to where they begin to look like light instead of darkness. They begin to look like goodness instead of evil. They begin to look like the path to progress instead of destruction. (ML #3089)

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