         Behold My young ones. How My heart goes out to them! How My heart breaks for them, these children who have been raised in My fold. There are many who are buffeted about, who the Enemy has lied to, to tempt. That indeed is a tumultuous age, and these are things that they must go through to bring them into adulthood. There is no easy way out, no easy solution, no complete relief from the battles and the testings and the trials.
         But you must help them through it. You must help them to hold on. You must help them to not give up, for there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I will pull them through. I will carry them, and these things shall pass, and they shall grow into adulthood and become what I wish for them to be.
         The Enemy blinds their eyes, and I allow this at times as a test, to see if they will follow Me by faith. They have need of their faith being strengthened, that they may be strong during the days to come, when they will bear greater responsibilities as adults, with families and children to care for. They must have their faith strengthened now, and that is why I allow some of these things. But you must help them and encourage them. Show them that it is but for a time, and that all things work together for good--that if they will but hold on, they will come through on the other side.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family