         My tender lover, how it touches My heart when you stop for a moment to acknowledge Me, to ask for My counsel, for My help, for My instruction and guidance. How I delight to give these good things unto you.
         You have much understanding, much wisdom, much inspiration and much insight. I have given these things to you as good gifts of My Spirit. But you have need of more. You have need of
Me, of My touches, of My loving, of the blessing of My Spirit upon all that you put your hands to. You have need of the spark of inspiration and the anointing which comes from Me, and from Me alone.
         I do not wish for you to struggle in your own strength, in your own energies so much. I wish to make your load light and your burden weightless. I wish to give you joy, tenderness, comfort and the very desires of your heart. But you must yield to Me, that I may give you what I wish to give you. You must surrender your will, that I may place within your heart the desires that are good for you, that are of My Spirit, that are of My choosing. Then can I fulfill and satisfy your longings, yea, even your very desires.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family