         The Devil is attacking all of My children with doubts, and the formula for victory is the same for everyone: recognizing his attacks, knowing the seriousness of them, being desperate to be set free from them, and crying out to Me for deliverance, clinging to My Word for strength, knowing that in yourself you do not have the strength or power needed to overcome the Evil One. The formula for victory is the same for all those who are attacked with doubts.
intensity of the battle, the length of the battle and how much you are weakened through the battle depends on your reaction to the attacks of the Enemy. For all of My children are attacked at one time or another by the Enemy through doubts. I'm not talking about legitimate questions where you just don't understand and you need an explanation, you need to be taught, you're hungry to learn, and you're open and respectful and receptive to the Word and counsel and explanation. But I'm talking about doubts where the Enemy comes in to strike a deadly blow at the foundation of your faith.
         With such attacks of doubt, the Enemy tries to get you to close yourself to counsel, to My living Word, and to the help and explanations of others. He tries to get you to resist asking for prayer, confessing your need, and showing yourself weak. He ministers to your pride with intellectual thoughts so that you resist the simplicity of My truth and you are no longer a little child before Me, no longer a little babe receiving truth at My hand. You become smart in yourself, great and mighty in your own eyes and full of your own answers, your own explanations, your own solutions. (ML #3089)

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