         Be not afraid to humble yourselves in My sight. For I love the humble, I love the weak, I love the meek, I love My Bride, and I love you.
         For I know you are men--stout-hearted men, strong soldiers, fighters, diligent in business! I have made you muscular men in the spirit, men of great strength, warriors of David, My soldiers, My valiant ones! But with all this strength and all this power and all this valiantness, you have need of more. You have need of great humility, great meekness and great weakness.
         So I ask you to lay down the armament of war and to play the role that I have asked you to play, of the meek and the weak, of the woman, of the bride, of My darling. This
humbles you, but it also empowers you. For this is what will make you the strong soldiers that you need to be for the days ahead. (ML #3029)

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