         I have given you the freedom to choose from many options within My will. I know that you chose to do the things you did out of love, out of trust in Me, and out of a desire to fulfill that which I expect from you. You gave of yourself and shared yourself in full faith and trusted that you would not have a child unless it was My doing. So you can rest assured that this child I have placed within you is a gift from Me. It was My will to give you this little one, this precious gift of love, that through caring for him and loving and nurturing him, you would grow in love and in faith and would draw yet closer to Me.
         This child is not a mistake, and your pregnancy is not a punishment. You have not been foolish and ignorant; rather you knew and understood what the consequences of your actions might be, yet you trusted Me and believed and had faith that I have all the details of your life under My perfect control. And that's the way it is, so you were right!
         I have made it clear in the Words I have spoken before that it is My preference that each child have both a father and a mother. Yet you must not feel that if your child does not have a father yet, that you are a bad mother, an unwise and careless woman. For I am able and willing to provide a father for your child, and a lover and husband for you.
         Do not allow the Enemy to condemn you, to discourage you, to cause you to despair or give up hope. Do not resign yourself to difficulties and problems just because you did not plan for this.
I planned for it, and I have also planned what yet lies ahead for you, and I promise that I will care and provide for you and this little one--our child of love and a precious, priceless token of My love for you! A blessing that cannot be equaled and a love that cannot be measured or compared--that is what this child will be to you!
         So enjoy My blessing, enjoy My reward, and trust Me to care for you. I won't fail you, and I won't allow you to be tried more than you are able to bear. You have gone for the gold, and you have received the prize! That's what this new little life is, the prize for your love for Me and trust in Me. He'll bring you great joy like nothing else ever has! And there are a lot more gold medals for you to win, as you continue going for the gold in every area of your life and service--as you pray and seek Me in every decision you make, and as you put your life in My hands and yield to Me and say, "Not my will, but Thine be done."

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family