         I have chosen you to be a strong pillar and a fighter to hold My standard high--not through your own arm, but through your dependence on Me. I ask you to lean on Me and walk closely. For unless you get your instructions from Me, you will not be of the great use that I have called you to be.
         I have called you for this day and have empowered you, but this power will come in the form of weakness, dependence, yieldedness, and humility. In these vestures will you be greatly anointed. This is when others will see Me greatly, through your sample. This is when My love will shine even brighter.
         Therefore, fear not when you feel little in your own sight. Fear not when you feel incapable, and even
unanointed. For your spirit shines even brighter in your humility. When you are humble, submissive and yielded, your actions reach deep into the heart of man. For you then become transparent in My love, and My sample reaches out. Therefore I need you to stay humble and to lean on Me. Indeed, I need you greatly.
         Go forth into the battle without fear, knowing that you must be clothed with this peasant's robe. Grab ahold of all the anointing that I have for you. Avail yourself fully of the gifts that I have given you. But remember this, that they will shine even more brightly in your humility.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family