         No matter where you are, just make a little Temple and enter into it in your heart. In the quiet chambers, as you take your time with Me, as you draw away from everyone and enter into the Temple, I'll whisper to you and speak to you. At first it won't even be audible. I'll just give you the peace that you need. I'll whisper Words of love in your ear to comfort your heart.
         But as you take this time with Me more and more faithfully--always coming in faith, believing that I'm there, waiting for you, that I enter with you into the secret quiet chambers of your heart--as you do this more and more, you will begin to hear Me more clearly. It's something that you need to make a habit of, something that you have to practice. It's a muscle that you have to exercise--that of tuning your spiritual ears so that you can hear My voice. It's just like learning something new. At first you have to concentrate, really make an effort, and you can hear it or see it a little bit.
         It's like a musician learning to tune a guitar. At first it's very difficult. Musicians have to really tune in and concentrate to be able to tell which notes are off key, which strings need to be tightened and which need to be loosened. But after a while, it becomes second nature to them, and they can do it almost without thinking.
         So it is with learning to listen to Me and hear from Me. Come regularly, step into the quiet chambers of your heart, and tune in to hear My voice. Whisper words of love to Me, and wait for Me to whisper Words of love to you. Little by little you will begin to hear Me clearer and clearer, until pretty soon it won't be such a big effort. You'll be able to step quietly into the room and you'll hear Me loud and clear. You won't even wonder if it's Me. You won't even have to strain to hear it, but My still small voice will just be there, clearly instructing you in your heart.
         So don't be discouraged if your first efforts are difficult, if you feel that you don't hear Me. Just step quietly into the chambers of your heart, into the Temple, the place that I love best, the secret place of your heart that was made for Me. Step in quietly, and wait there until My peace fills your heart. Wait there until you feel My perfect peace, My comfort, satisfying your longing. Then come more often to listen to My whispers, and little by little you will begin to receive more and more from Me.
         I broadcast all the time. You just have to learn how to tune in and receive it. I have given the gift of hearing from Me to anyone who wants it. It's free. It's like a radio station, broadcasting all the time, and anyone who has a receiver can tune in and pick up the sounds, the music, the broadcast. I have placed a receiver within each person. All you have to do is learn how to use it. This requires effort, so don't be discouraged if it's not real clear right away. Keep practicing, keep coming back to Me. Keep waiting in faith, and you will begin to hear Me more and more clearly.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family