         Are you willing to fight for your brothers and sisters? Are you willing to lay down your life for them? Maybe you feel like it's not worth fighting just for yourself. Maybe the battles that you go through seem too big and overwhelming to just go through for yourself. But will you fight for
their sakes? Are you willing to go through it for them? Are you willing to let Me purge you and mold you and make you into My shepherds? Are you willing to go through the making of a man or a woman for their sakes?
         How I long to bring My young warriors close to Me, to bring them to My bosom! How I long for them to feel a part of this Family, for them to be drawn closer. Will you take them under your wing? Will you take them into your arms?
         It takes looking ahead. It takes not just living for today, but having a vision for the future to pour into these young ones. For though you may not see the results today, know that the love, the time, the effort, the tears, the prayers, everything that goes into shepherding these ones, will not return void.
         It takes faith for you to train My young warriors, to pour into them today, but in time you will see the results. When you get up Here and it's time to look over your life, to see yourself as I see you, to review your life, to answer "what have you done with your life?"
if you take up this challenge, if you pour into these young warriors and train them and teach them how to fight, what a thrill your souls will feel! You will truly be able to say that you did not live your life on Earth in vain.
         Not only will you receive rewards for the souls that you have won and the lives that you have touched, but you will receive rewards for the lives that these young warriors will touch and the souls that they will win.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family