         Here, take it! It's yours! Reach out! You
have the gift--it's sitting in your lap. You already have the gift. I have already offered it to you. You just have to open it. Pull the ribbon! Loose the strings! Take the wrapping off the box. Peel away the paper and open the lid. You have the gift! It is yours! It is there! All you have to do is open it!
         Open your mouth. I have put streams of living water within you--new streams, fresh streams, clear streams, sparkling streams! It is already there. It is already trickling, seeping in and seeping through. It is a spring springing up inside of you--the whispers that you hear, the ideas that you get, the impressions that you have, the checks to obey--streams of My living waters!
         Open up your ears and open up your mouth if you want them to gush forth, for they are there. Open the tap. Open your mouth. The tap is your mouth. Open your mouth and let go! Do not hold back. Do not fear. Fear is the dam that holds back the waters of My Word that are in you.
         As you speak, the water will come forth, even if it is only one drop at a time. So do not fear, but have
faith. Many have heard My whispers but have not recognized that these are My whispers. The streams are already flowing, already springing forth, but you recognize it not, thinking that it is your own voice, your own mind. Just open your mouth and speak! Have faith! Rebuke fear and let the seeds come forth.
         You have My seeds and they have been speaking to you. I have created you with a beautiful spring. Let it come forth! Let it flow out of your mouth! Let that which is in your heart come out your mouth, for it is My voice, My stream of love that speaks to you. Have faith! Open your mouth and let My Words come forth, for they are already in your heart. You have an underground stream and you must open your mouth to let it surface, to let it spring forth, to let it flow freely. Tap into it and let it flow! Be not afraid, just flow. (ML #3113)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family