         All have done things they feel sorry for, and maybe you've done something that you feel very bad about. You regret it and are having a hard time overcoming that spirit of sorrow or remorse over past mistakes. You wish that you could go back and change things, do it all over again and not make those same mistakes. You review those scenes or mistakes from the past, and the spirit of remorse or regret overwhelms, discourages, and condemns you.
         But I do not condemn you, My love. I do not look at the past or past mistakes and remember them against you. No, My love, I do not look at you with condemnation in My eyes. If forgiveness has been sought and forgiveness has been given, then remorse, regret and sorrow must be put in the past. Otherwise the Enemy continues to use these things to stop the flow of My love.
         You must not allow the Enemy's spirit of sorrow, guilt, or condemnation to overcome and overwhelm your life. You must simply seek forgiveness and allow yourself to be forgiven. Once you've done that, there's no reason to be sorrowful. It doesn't mean that you haven't done something for which you're sorry, but that you do not continue in a spirit of sorrow.
         I no longer remember your sins against you, My love. I forget and blot them out of My remembrance because I love you. My Spirit is uplifting and encouraging, and it encourages you to follow Me down new paths of love. I have heard your prayers and I have forgiven all your sins. Accept My forgiveness and be free from condemnation. Accept the cleansing power of My blood that washes away all your sins. I love you.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family