(Dad:) Come on, Family! Call on Jesus for help! Call on me and all your helpers for help! This is a call to repentance! A call to arms! A call to put out the fires of disunity! I am calling you to unite against the foe so we can save His Own and fill the Earth with the light of God! I am calling you to forgive those who've wronged you, and seek forgiveness of those you've wronged. I am calling you all to take each other by the hand, back into your circle of fellowship. I am calling you to unite in spirit, in heart, in mind, in body, and in soul!
         I am calling you to get it together--to work, discuss, agree, counsel, talk, love and go together! I am calling you to put aside the fusses and feuds and differences and personality clashes, anything that doesn't promote unity. To Hell with the differences! And that's where they
belong--in Hell with the one who created them! Divide and conquer is the Devil's own slogan. But I'm calling you today, dear Family, to unite and fight! That's my slogan: Unite and fight! Fight the foe! Fight for unity! Unite in spirit! Unite in Jesus! We are not divided, all one Body we--one in faith, one in hope, one in unity. We are one Family, one Wife, one Body, one Bride, and we're working together for our Bridegroom. Hallelujah!
         So let's get it together today! Don't wait another minute! Get it together and see if He will not pour out the blessings that there will not be room enough to contain. I love you. Unite and fight! (ML #3072)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family