         Don't worry if you don't have all the education and scholastics or even the worldly training that you desire or hunger for. Don't be envious of these things. Many young people thirst for knowledge, education and intellect. This is a natural desire that I have placed within youth, but it must be channeled in the right direction. I have made them hungry to know more, hungry to learn, hungry to seek, hungry to fill their minds, hungry to absorb and to do things, hungry for input. The danger is in being tempted to fill this vacuum with worldly knowledge and to be envious of the knowledge of the world. For the Enemy will try to condemn and tell you that you are inferior to others.
         The world of today worships the mind and intelligence, because it has power and represents superiority. Those who are intelligent make others feel inferior, and those who are the smartest are the most worshiped. This is one of the temptations of the Last Days--a god whom their fathers knew not. So be not as the world, which seeks after knowledge only for knowledge's sake, but seek after My Word and after souls, spreading My message, witnessing and loving Me. These are the
true values. This is real wisdom and real knowledge.
         Even if you have no showy gifts or seemingly great talents, just be what you were created to be! This is the greatest wisdom--to know what My will is for your life, and how to be content playing that role and fulfilling that part. This wisdom comes through yieldedness and obedience. For as you are yielded to Me, then I may use you in whatever way I want. Then I am able to fill you with My Spirit and knowledge, which is greater than anything the world has to offer! (ML #3079)

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