(Dad:) Our young people, singles and YAs aren't always attracted to helping large families, because it is hard work, and it is a sacrifice, and they must count the cost. They're more attracted to exciting fields and being free and independent. But there is a need, and those young people, teens or singles who answer the call to help large families are to be commended! For no greater love has any man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. These are the ones with great love. These are the ones who will be known for their love and their sacrifice on Earth and in Heaven and ever after. Those that sacrifice the most will be rewarded the most.
         Many are called but few choose to be chosen, because there are few who have such great love. But those young ones who make the decision to help these large families and make the sacrifice will become great in the Lord's Kingdom. The struggle will make them strong. The sacrifice will give them love and understanding. They'll grow in the Spirit and be some of the Lord's greatest warriors. Their daily battles will strengthen their muscles and their faith; it will grow them in stature more than the others.
         So if the Lord puts the burden on your heart to help these large families, be true and faithful to the call. They not only need your help, but it is also the Lord's plan for you to fulfill His highest will and to make you into what He wants you to be. (ML #3046)

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