         Oh, little shepherdess of the flocks of God, I commit to your tender hands the little lambs of the flocks of God. Oh, tender heart, come aside awhile and sit by the streams of life and dip your hand in the cool, refreshing waters of the living waters of life and be strengthened. Rest a while in the shade of My great tree of life. When you are weary in the day, come rest a while with Me in the shade, by the cool waters, and I will refresh you.
         You see the dark clouds coming, the storms of life on the horizon, but do not be overly concerned. For I am with you to lead you, to guide you, to provide for you, to give you wisdom, to give you counsel, and to console you in your hour of need. I am ever with you.
         Oh, little shepherdess of the flocks of God, stay near Me and love these little ones with the love of God. Watch over them. Tenderly guide them. Watch them. Keep them. Shelter them as best you can, and I will shelter you.
         Oh, little shepherdess of God, how I love you! How I love you, sweet one. How I long for you. How I ache for you, sweet one, precious to My heart. Lovest thou Me? Feed My lambs. I know that you love Me.
         Now go in peace, sweet shepherdess, sweet one, for I am with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Draw nigh to Me and I will draw nigh to you. For your strength is in resting--resting in My arms, resting in My Spirit.
         Do not be overly concerned for the dark clouds that sometimes block your view. Look beyond to the sunlight of My hope and My promise. The sunlight of My strength shall soon break forth with all of the promises and blessings of God upon your head. Hold fast that which you have. I come soon, and I bring My reward with Me. Be faithful. I love you!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family