         Satan desires to have you that he may sift you as wheat, yet I continually pray for you that your faith fail not. Therefore look not on these light afflictions as punishment for your sins, for they accomplish a great purpose. You are right to assume that the Enemy is angry, for you have gone right over the top and are accomplishing much. Therefore Satan walks about as a roaring lion, ranting and raving, enraged, furious and determined more than ever to hurt, to harm, to hinder, to slow you down, to bring you down, looking for a little crack here, a chink there, a weak link, any way he can get in and cause harm.
         But Satan trips himself, he falls into a deep ditch, for in his feeble attempts to test you and to bring you down, he creates stepping stones. All things work together for your good because you love Me and have desired Me above all others. Your faith has made you whole. Therefore in his much trying, Satan hangs himself. These light afflictions are but stepping stones, all working together for good to accomplish My will and My purpose. They lead to the path of higher ground of fuller faith and trust in Me.
         Therefore rest assured that these afflictions are but stepping stones to accomplish My will. They are multi-colored stepping stones, that through these light afflictions you may bear much fruit. For the purpose is multi-colored, multi-purposed. Look at the fruit it already bears! Has it not accomplished My plan in helping you to keep your eyes fixed on Me? In this I am well pleased.
         So I give you these multi-colored stepping stones, that in your light affliction many purposes may be established: greater dependency on Me, greater faith, greater prayer, greater encouragement as you partake of My healing touch, greater power. As you pray and trust in Me for your light affliction, it will encourage and increase not only your faith, but the faith of My children as they see your sample of faith, trust, and dependency on Me in your affliction. (ML #3049)

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