         Oh, the danger to those who choose not to yield to Me. Oh, the danger to those who choose to only yield a
part of their heart to Me; who yield much, but will not yield all; who hold on to one part of their heart and say, "I will give of the other parts, but I will not give of this part, for this part is mine and I will not yield it."
         Those parts of the heart that are yielded to Me are Mine, and I protect and keep them. I hold them within My hands. I keep that part warm and soft and moldable. But the part that is
not given to Me, I cannot hold and keep soft, and it hardens. Though the rest of the heart is soft and moldable, this part of the heart begins to harden, and it grows harder. As it grows harder, it grows bigger, for unyieldedness breeds further unyieldedness.
         He that will not yield in one area begins the process of the hardening of the heart. I will continue to try to keep the rest of the heart soft and moldable and warm, but as the hardness continues to grow, I have less to work with, until the heart becomes divided--one part hard, one part soft. To the soft part of the heart I can speak, I can kiss, and I can blow the warmth of My breath. But the hard part of the heart receives not these things, and thus is open for the attacks, the words and the breath of Satan, the Enemy, the Devourer, him with the hardest heart of all. This hardness becomes his territory. And while I work on the softness of the heart, to massage it and warm it, so does he work on the hard part of the heart, to make it even more rigid.
         The only way that the hardness of heart can become softness of heart is if all of the heart is given to Me, if all is yielded to Me, so that I may again begin to work on the hardness; that I may again begin to breathe the warmth of My breath upon it; that I may kiss it with the warmth of My kisses and the warmth of My love, so that eventually it may become fully soft once again.
         This requires great forsaking--the forsaking of self, the forsaking of selfishness, the forsaking of one's own ways and own desires and own demands. (ML #3044)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family