         As he that climbs a steep mountain looks down and freezes for fear, so is it when you look at the waves, the wind, the storm, the weights, the burdens, the responsibilities, the job, the faults, the failings, the incapabilities. He that looks up, focusing upon Me, looking always upward--upward toward the goal, upward toward My Heavens, upward into My face--he it is that has strength to carry onward and upward, ever moving upward, not fearing the heights or the depths or the weights.
         So come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, for I will carry the load. Do not listen to the voice of him who would discourage you, or who would tell you of the weights, or of your incapabilities, or of your sins and faults and failings. Look unto Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith, for I am Love and I encourage you and I strengthen you. I look beyond these things, for I am He that went to the cross and paid the price that you could be free from these weights and burdens, that you could look unto Me and be lightened--lightened in load, lightened from sin, and enlightened with My love, My strength and My power.
         So look up! Look up to Me! Look ahead! Look forward! Do not look back. Do not look down. Do not look at the loads. Look to Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith, and know that the burden is Mine, the weights are Mine, and I will carry them gladly! So
let Me. Let Me by asking Me what you should do. Let Me by praying for My strength. Let Me by being led of Me. Let Me by having faith in Me. Let Me by trusting Me. Let Me by loving Me. (ML #3024)

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