(To the parents of a son on a foreign mission field:) Your prayers can do mighty things. He is your missionary, your responsibility, and he needs your prayers. This is the greatest thing you can do for him. So do not neglect to pray for him and his needs. Ask him to explain the Home's needs and make his requests known, to write them to you, so that when I answer the prayers and when I supply the needs, he will see that it was the power of prayer and faith and obedience that altered the situation, that supplied the need. The greatest thing that you can do for this one is to pray. For he has need of faith--faith that I will supply, and faith that I can do miracles even in a very cold and difficult field.
         Ask him, "What do you need? What is your desire? What are your hopes for your Home and for your field?" Then petition Me and I will supply these needs, and this will increase his faith--his faith in prayer, and his faith in making his requests known. He needs your communication, your encouragement, and to know that you are still close in spirit and praying for him.
         You are the strong prayer warriors of David, and I love to answer your prayers and to do things for you, to show My love for you. So ask and it shall be given, and in this case it will increase the faith of these on the field as I supply their needs and take care of them. I am pleased with their obedience and their dedication. Although there are physical sacrifices, their spirits are thriving through the hardships. Though it may seem like a sacrifice, these hardships cause My children to stay close to Me and stay dependent on Me, and this is how I see who the real strong soldiers are, those who are willing to die to themselves to get out My message of love.
         I am pleased with those who have forsaken all and given up their own wills and desires to do My will.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family