         I honor you with a
high calling, one that is not for all! I honor you with the blessing of great faith in Me. This is not an ordinary faith that trusts when it's easy to trust, but I give you the gift of great faith, of mighty faith, of strong faith that cannot be shaken!
         This great faith I give you is faith that trusts when it's difficult to trust. Faith that keeps on believing when all seems to go wrong. Faith that trusts in the midst of adversity. Faith that trusts when opposition surrounds you. Faith that trusts even though you seem to stand alone. Faith that keeps trusting when your heart is sinking and it aches within you. Faith that trusts when you do not understand. Faith that trusts when you cannot feel. Faith that believes and looks on in the face of discouragement. Faith that is sturdy and stout and will not be moved by doubt. Faith that hopes. Faith that believes in Me. Faith that stands on My Word. Faith that marches on and endures all things, knowing that I will not fail and cannot fail.
         This great faith is faith that will move mountains, faith that will stand when all else fails, faith that will change the world and conquer the minds and hearts of men! This great faith that I give to you is the victory that will overcome the world. In this great faith that you are growing into, you will come to know My power in all its splendor, glory and might. All the world will marvel and stand in awe at so great a faith as this--My mighty faith, My mighty power manifested through you, My faithful one of great faith.
         Fear not for this time of molding, this time of shaping through the tests that tumble about you. Know that through these I am able to give you a great gift of mighty faith. This great faith is a work of My hand--My gift to you. It descends from above as you simply believe, as you lie back in My arms, look into My tender eyes, and trust only in Me.
         Therefore, fear not, for I am near. Continue to take the stand. Know that I am working and I will come alive within you as you walk on and simply trust. Be encouraged, for you will know Me in a way that you have never known before, as we love and revel in the beauties of My love.
         You will come to know what this gift of great faith in Me will do, for it is a
high honor and will do what no other can do. I love you, and because of this I now give you this gift of great faith. This is not ordinary faith, but great faith in Me--a faith that you cannot work up, but which can only be prayed down. Therefore, please don't worry or fret. Come here and lie in My arms. Cast your worries aside; shoo them out of our bed of love and revel in My arms.
         Rest now. Have peace. Breathe deeply of My scented fresh air, and hush! Lie here in My arms and rest. This is My promise to you, My precious one. This is My vow, that not one Word shall fail in all My great promises that I give to you. Therefore, be encouraged. Come, let us love and revel in love! I am here! I am near! I hold you and anoint you with the gift of great faith.
         Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, the things that I have prepared for you who accept this great gift of faith that I crown you with today!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family