         There are those that sin because they are weak; they stumble and fall. They know they've done wrong, they repent, they're sorry and they find forgiveness. These deserve the least punishment that can be given, for they are repentant and they are forgiven. They have broken the law and thus they must pay, but just lightly so that they may know and understand and be wise in the days ahead.
         But there are those who reject and who decide in their hearts to do those things which they know to be wrong. It is not because of weakness, it is because of rebellion and rejection. These are not repentant, nor do they seek forgiveness, for they are in a state of rebellion, thinking they themselves know what is best. They trust in their own arm and their own righteousness, and they are not yielded to Me. They are My children, but they are unyielded children, disobedient children who listen not to the voice of their father, who follow not the leadings of their mother, but who are fully set and determined in their own minds to do those things which they choose to do, not listening to the counsel of others. These are a stench and a danger, and must be judged to the full extent of the law.
         Have I not made you judges with wisdom and discernment, with love and mercy? Can you not determine the difference between those who slip and fall because of weakness, and those who step over the line because of willfulness? I put it in your hearts to know the difference. And if you know not, you can seek Me and I will show you.
         So discern between those who slip and fall because of ignorance, because of weakness, and those who are fully set in their minds to do evil. Warn them. Challenge them. If they will not change, then enforce the rules that I have put in place. For I foresaw these, and thus set rules to deal with them. Move swiftly with these, that they may quickly repent or that they may leave, so that their disease does not spread and infect others. For these are not just weaker brethren, they are rebellious brethren, and their rebellion leads to more rebellion. Their rebellion leads to confusion, and brings forth doubt and questions. This is discord, and this I hate.
         Be loving, but be firm. Give the correction, and if there is no repentance, then prayerfully move them on. Let all that you do be done in love, but realize that protecting your sheep is love. (ML #3046)

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