         I have delivered into your hands the true riches of the Spirit, the truth of God, the salvation of the Son, and the witness of the Spirit. I have delivered these things unto you so that you would know and understand the beauty of My love, so that you could be My love messengers, spreading the Gospel of My love to the lost, to the heartbroken, the war-torn, the needy and the hungry, the destitute in spirit who so yearn and long for Me, though they know not that it is Me that they yearn and long for.
         They seek peace, and I am peace. They seek love, and I am love. They seek understanding, and I am understanding. They seek solace, and I am the giver of solace, for I succor them in spirit and I give them great peace that passes all understanding. You are they that hold these things in your hands and in your hearts, and you, as My messengers of love, spread this knowledge to man. For I wish that all men would hear My Words, so they may come to know Me in
this life, and not only in the next. (ML #3042)

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