(Dad:) Isn't preaching the Gospel and reaching the world what it's all about? And making it as easy as possible for all your brothers and sisters to do their job for Jesus, to be happy, and to have all their needs met? Isn't that the life of a shepherd?--To take care of the sheep, to love them, to supply their needs, to encourage them and comfort them, to listen to them and answer their questions, to be a sample?
         Being a shepherd really isn't that difficult! You just serve Jesus happily and faithfully, and try to help your flock to do the same! Teach them how to pray! Teach them how to follow the Lord! Teach them how to hear from Him! Teach them how to have their needs met. Teach them how to be fruitful in their witnessing and in their follow-up, to have lasting fruit, fruit that remains--new disciples, strong converts, catacombers and live-outs. Teach them how to raise their children and take care of their house, pay their bills on time, have a healthy diet, keep everybody safe, and be a good sample to the community and to the neighbors.
         A good shepherd is someone who can show them how to do those things, and how to be happy while doing them--how to be
fruitful! Because seeing your efforts blessed by the Lord and bringing forth fruit, seeing your prayers answered and your needs supplied, is what encourages people and helps them to see that God is alive today and He answers prayer!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family