         The Enemy tries to place within you a blockage against using the gift of prophecy, a blockage to prevent the input and the output, a thick iron wall to try to prevent My Words and My truth from coming in, and also from flowing out.
         The key to penetrating this wall is faith and obedience: Faith to believe that those things I say to you are My Words for you, and obedience to give the words that I give you. Faith and obedience will tear down the wall of partition which prevents the receiving and giving of My Words.
         If you have the faith of a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this wall, "Be thou removed and be cast into the sea," and it shall be done. The mustard seed is so tiny, so little. But that's all that is needed--tiny words of faith that come in, and tiny words of faith that go out, no matter how small, no matter how seemingly insignificant. For as these little words of faith trickle in and trickle out, they will wear away at the blockage until eventually it is totally dissipated and gone.
         Faith and obedience are the keys!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family