         If you choose to trust Me, stand pat upon your decision to trust Me, and upon the Word which I give unto you. For as you trust Me, I will feed you with Words of faith which will give you hope, peace, faith, joy, and great love. All the fruits of the Spirit do I give unto you for your trusting and your loving Me, and for placing Me first in your life.
         Therefore do not worry or fear, for such trust shall bring nothing but peace, nothing but plenty, nothing but reward and joy and happiness! I love you! Trust in My love, for My love would do nothing that would hurt or harm you or do you ill. For you know the thoughts that I think toward you, thoughts of peace and not of evil; thoughts of love and of favor.
         Do you believe this? Therefore to trust Me will not be such a difficult thing. Do you believe that I love you? Therefore to have faith that I do all things well shall not be a difficult task. For I would not that this be a task of great pain and toil and sweat and laboring of your flesh, but that this be a work of My grace, a gift which I have paid for and I do give to you freely.
         For I would give you joy in your labors, and with your children, and with the loved one who dwelleth by you. I would give unto you enjoyment! I would seek to relieve you from your striving and your worrying. I would give you such peace--peace which passes all understanding, and joy unspeakable! These things do I delight to give you, as you delight in Me.
         Therefore do not worry or fret, for I will care for you as a lover cares for his bride. I will care for you as a husband gently cares for the one who dwells by him, for the mother of his children. For have you not mothered My children? Yes, and not only your own children of the flesh, but you have mothered and cared for many children. On the right hand and on the left have you been fruitful and multiplied and filled the face of the Earth with the seeds of David! Therefore trust that I would seek to please you, as you seek to please Me. (ML #2961)

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