(Dad:) Thank you, folks, for being willing to have those beautiful babies! I know it's a sacrifice and it takes a lot out of you, but it's really worth it. It's worth the small sacrifice now in order for the Lord to give you these beautiful, beautiful treasures of your children.
         Look at them! Weren't they worth it? Weren't they worth the time and the trouble and the prayer and the fighting in spirit for them?--Fighting for their healing, fighting for their growth, fighting for their progress, fighting to help them to make it to become the beautiful darling little ones that they are now! Wasn't it worth it? So thank you, sweet ones, for being willing to sacrifice in this way to have these beautiful children for me, and for the Lord, and for the Kingdom, and for the Family.
         Don't get weary in well doing with your childbearing, because even though it's difficult for you, the Lord will reward you even more greatly. If you are willing to have these children for Him no matter what the sacrifice and no matter what the cost, He will greatly reward you!
         These little ones will become your greatest source of joy! They will become a great testimony to others when they see you as a beautiful, happy couple loving Jesus and raising your family. You'll be a testimony to many through these children--these children that now feel like a burden and a weight to you, that seem like they are dragging you down and inhibiting your service to the Lord.
         That's how I felt at one time, and I said, "Lord, what can You do with me, just a poor old pastor with only these few ragtag kids by my side?" But what did the Lord say to me? He said, "What is that in thy hand?" And that is what I say to you! You may feel that you have no ministry to speak of, that you are not doing much for Jesus, but I say to you, what is that in thy hand?
         Look at the beautiful treasures, these precious blessings that the Lord has blessed you with! What a privilege and an honor the Lord is giving you in these beautiful children, and continuing to give to you. It makes Him so happy and so proud of you that you are willing to endure hardness, that you are willing to sacrifice even your own strength to be able to bring these beautiful little ones into the world.
         These sacrifices will not go unrewarded! The Lord will bless you in
this life and in the world to come! These beautiful little children of yours will be with you for all eternity. You'll be loving them and enjoying them from now through all eternity.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family