         As the days ahead grow darker and more evil, so must you have the light of God to lead you in the way. As the world becomes more complicated, so must you have Me to get you through the maze of these complications. You must seek Me and My guidance and My direction and My help. Seek My light, for I can show you things that you cannot see with your eyes because of the darkness. But with My light I can show you many things that you know not. The world will marvel at your wisdom, at your knowledge, at your understanding, if you will but seek Me and hear from Me.
         So do not be afraid to ask. Were you afraid to ask your parents, your father or your mother, questions when you were young, when you didn't know the answer and you needed to know? No. You had no fear, you just asked and they answered. So it is with Me. I have given you a
multitude of spiritual helpers to help you, but you must listen to them.
         So become more sensitive to Me and to My Spirit. Keep your antennas upward, always listening, for I have much to say to all My children. Do not let the Evil One snatch away this gift, but use it and hone it and strengthen it and pray for it, and pray for those that have it. For it can be a great guide unto you if you will use it, and it will help you to know better the ways of God. (ML #2993)

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